You may have heard about EMF protection, but what is EMF? EMF is short for electromagnetic field, which is naturally produced by our surrounding world, including your body. While these natural fields are low in intensity, EMFs caused by technology are more intense and can cause health concerns.
Judging by how we’re surrounded by all kinds of electronic devices that we use every day, it’s hard to estimate the damage they may be inflicting. But the certainty is that recently, more and more people are wondering whether EMFs are affecting our health.
While you definitely can’t see or hear EMFs, if you live where there’s service or near power lines, you are exposing yourself to these artificial electromagnetic fields.
Understanding the Electromagnetic Spectrum
We understand that the terminology may sound confusing, but hear us out. So, you now know what is EMF, but let’s try to understand it. The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the name given to different types of photon (light particles) radiation. EM radiation consists of photons that move around at the speed of light in a wave-like pattern.
The various types of EMR in the spectrum depend on how much energy lies in these photons. The electromagnetic radiation is expressed in frequency, wavelength, and energy. Wavelength is measured in meters, frequency is measured in hertz, while energy is measured in electron volts. The strength of an EMF is dictated by the wavelength and frequency. A larger number of waves with shorter wavelengths generates more energy.
Types of EMF
From smartphones and tablets to laptops and computers, different devices emit various forms of radiation, including Extremely Low Frequency (ELF), Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), and Radio Frequency (RF) radiation.
Besides ‘what does EMF stand for’, most people ask ‘what is EMR’. This type or radiation includes all energy types that can be recorded, felt or seen. The best-known forms of EMR are X-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, infrared, ultraviolet light, and visible light.
Radio Frequency (RF) radiation lies towards the high end, and it’s caused by, among others, cell phone communications, Wi-Fi devices, mobile antennas, electrical security systems, or broadcast towers. At the low end (ELF), there are longer wavelengths coming from the likes of household appliances or power lines.
Without using EMF protection, radiation is free to attack our bodies, potentially harming them in time. The higher the frequency, the greater the odds of damaging your health. So, how do you get protection against these types of radiation?
EMF Protection
Naturally, the first and best EMF protection is to put enough distance between you and these devices so that the radiation won’t affect you. For this reason, cell towers, power lines, and appliances that are far away aren’t really a big threat.
Actually, it’s the smaller EMR-emitting devices that are potentially dangerous, as the electromagnetic radiation source usually presses directly against our bodies. While your strategy may work for some devices, others, such as smartphones, are meant to be used near your body. Sure, you may choose to reduce how much you use these devices, but that’s easier said than done.
Even if your device isn’t directly pressing on your skin, you still absorb the radiation — which is why you should start thinking about how to get the right EMF protection. Laptop cooling pads, desks, laptop trays, or your own clothing won’t shield your body against harmful EMF. Knowing what is EMF is good, but how do you protect yourself against it?
How to Get EMF Protection?
When talking about such a delicate subject, the answer usually lies with the specialists. If you’re looking to get the best EMF protection, the most effective products are shields specifically designed to protect against EMF radiation. A proper EMF shield shouldn't just reduce discomfort and heat, but work to deflect, shield, and divert the radiation away from your body by staying between you and your device.
If EMF radiation is not a big concern for you, consider that not getting the right EMF protection can lead to fertility problems, skin issues, cellular damage, and even DNA mutation. While electromagnetic fields are still being studied, and the long-term effects of being around electronic devices are still being evaluated, EMF protection is the leading way to shield yourself from the side effects caused by EMF radiation.
According to recent studies, it seems that every cell in the body naturally has its own EMF. But it’s the artificial EMFs that try to enter your body and negatively impact how it works — which is why you getting EMF protection resembles using sunblock or mosquito repellents.
Conclusion on ‘What Is EMF’ and How to Get EMF Protection
The bottom line of ‘What is EMF’ is that this subject should concern us more. The unnatural and harmful types of EMF can alter the naturally occurring frequencies in our bodies, turning them into unhealthy frequencies that can lead to disease and unhealthy tissues. Depending on how strong the particular field is, your own health, the length of exposure, and the frequency and its wavelength, the time it takes for frequencies to change into unhealthy can be hours, months, or even years. However, there’s also one certainty: the main sources are caused by technology.